Cognitive Function and Learning Explained

Master Your Thinking.

Empowerment through Executive Function

Cognitive Function and Learning Explained (CFLE) is a trauma-informed curriculum designed to address the challenges of educating adolescents in residential mental health settings. The goal is to empower educators with the knowledge and tools needed to create a supportive and enriching learning environment, allowing adolescents to thrive academically and emotionally and helping them to develop executive functioning skills such as metacognition, cognitive flexibility, and time management.

Adaptable Curriculum

Learning Tools

Therapeutic Strategies

Student Driven

Supporting Students by Supporting Educators

CFLE provides resources to help educators create an environment founded on the principles of trauma-informed approaches: safety, choice, trust, collaboration, and empowerment.

Promoting Growth Through Trauma-Informed Executive Functioning: Nurturing Resilience, Fostering Success.